Dharma Verses 121-135

121. 心是我們唯一解脫道的伴侶。
“Our mind is the only companion
we have along the path of liberation.”

122. ,提醒我們回頭是岸。
"Precepts remind us to get back ashore."

123. 三界的無常都是如同秋雲.
"The three worlds are as impermanent 
as the autumn clouds."

124. 為什麼你不吃肉?
Why don't you eat meat? "Animals
are my friends and I don't eat my friends."

125. 做惡很簡單,行善極困難.
"Negative acts are easy to commit,but it is
 difficult to cultivate wholesome deeds."

126. 剛剛好是很大的智慧。
"Just good enough is very high wisdom."

127. 想要消除煩惱的人們,
"Beings who seek to get rid of suffering
must first eliminate the root cause of suffering."

128. 不管你有怎麼樣的心,
“The type of mind you possess is irrelevant
since that is your only wish-fulfilled treasure.”

129. 嫉妒心常會打自己。
"Jealousy is generally self destructive."

130. 當您的心平靜時,
“A calm mind is able to 
dispel hundreds of obstacles.”

131. 念佛是容易的,但困難的是專心。
"Reciting the Buddha’s name is easy,
but the real difficulty lies in its focused reflection."

132. 一句法語,可能會改變一個人的生命。
"A single word of Dharma has the ability to alter one's life."

133. 隨時正念是最殊勝的持戒。
"Constant mindfulness is an essential 
aspect to abiding by the precepts."

134. 吃素是最好的放生。
"Being a vegetarian is 
best the way to save lives."

135. 不起分別心 , 是名修止。
"Not giving rise to a discriminating mind is 
the essence of the practice of Samatha."

Dharma Verses 106-120

"We cannot escape our own 
internal adversaries and hence we
must cultivate and practice 
diligently according to the Dharma."

107. 心中有佛佛無所不在。
"The Buddha is pervasive for those
who embrace the Buddha in their heart."

108. 有所得的愛是執著。
"Conditional love is considered 
one form of attachment."

"Besides the noble one, sentient beings are
incapable of comprehending others inner cultivation."

110. 修行要有恆心才會有成就。
"Having perseverance will enhance one's
chances of success during cultivation."

"Our enemies enable us to challenge
 ourselves and test our patience."

112.智者建橋 愚者建牆。
"Wise ones establish connections
whereas foolish ones sever them."

113. 菩薩不一定有笑容的
"A Bodhisattva may not always have a smile
 just as compassion may not necessarily be delicate."

114. 修行是為了超越自己而不是放大我執。
“Cultivation enables one to overcome the 
self as opposed to magnifying self-attachment.”

115. 我們成佛之前都是佛教徒。
"We are Buddhist until we are Buddha."

116. 禪定是開智慧的鑰匙。
“Meditation is the key to opening the treasure of wisdom.”

117. 起來簡單『願一切生快樂』。
作起來困難 『能令一個人快樂』。
"'May all sentient beings be joyful' is a simple phrase. 
However, making a single person happy is not at all easy."

118. 世界美不美是自己造成的。
"You made the world whether it is beautiful or not."
"The beauty in your world depends on you."

119. 真實微妙清淨之中。
"The real miracle resides in the purity."

120. 犯過的錯不再犯的人是有自我覺醒的心。
"Having self awareness enables one to avoid making the same mistakes over and over again."

Dharma Verses 90-105

"If you are unable to help others, at the very least do no harm."
92. 每夜我們進入未知的世界。
Every night we enter an unknown world.
Every day we encounter unexpected changes.
Both are dreams from the perspective of noble beings.

"The ideal place and condition to practice resides nowhere else but in our everyday lives."
"The transitory nature of happiness in
this mundane world will never be everlasting.
In contrast, though the path to liberation requires
diligent perseverance and hard work, one will
eventually attain eternal happiness as a result."

Waiting for condition is hope,
Waiting for condition is patience,
Waiting for condition is confidence,
Waiting for condition is practice.


Diamond is the jewel of the mundane world.
Buddha nature is the jewel of the living.
Let go of the jewel of the mundane world.
Perfect the jewel of the living.
"A practitioner must embrace cultivation of both merits and wisdom."
98.山雪熔化就是水 , 人心淨化就是佛 ."Melted snow becomes water just as
Buddha nature is derived from a purified mind."

"Diligent cultivation of good deeds will lead one to attain right understanding of life."

"Adopting an optimistic outlook is considered one type of wisdom.
Contemplation of those that are inferior is a remedy to having a lack of confidence.
Contemplation of those that are superior is a remedy to exhibiting excessive pride."
101. 行善不難,難於發心。
"Practicing wholesome deeds is not difficult.
Rather, the difficulty lies in the cultivation of
a mindset to generate and uphold solemn vows."

"Remember to return to one's own mind during cultivation."
103. 幫助別人是快樂,無所得的幫助真快樂。
"Joy is bestowed upon those who help others.
Helping others unconditionally brings forth genuine happiness."

"Illuminate the mind and walk on the path of salvation."

"The Dharma is virtuous and nirvana is inexplicable.
Wisdom and the Buddha-nature are wish-fulfilling treasures."