Dharma Verses 76-90

76. 心是助菩提法,成就斷於愛憎.
The mind of equanimity is a bodhi-assisting dharma because,
on account of it, one succeeds in severing both affection and loathing.

One should not forget to close the door before leaving house.
Likewise, one should not forget to reflect upon oneself before engaging with others.

78. 一次瞋心的大火能會燃燒一生功德。
A one time anger may exhaust the merits of an entire life time.

79. 吝嗇是另一種貪心。
Miserliness is another form of greed.

80. 無法解決的罪障,誠心佛前要懺悔。
Whenever one encounters difficulties in life due to past negative karma,
it helps to repent with a sincere mind in front of the Buddha.

81. 難得具有人生寶,記得常辦眾生利。
Human lives are precious and difficult to attain.
Thus, it is crucial to perform meritorious deeds that benefit all sentient beings.

82. 我們能欺騙他人但無法欺騙自己。
"We may able to deceive others, but there is no way to deceive ourselves."

83. 修學中道者,後得真和樂。
"By following the middle path, one shall
achieve genuine inner peace and happiness."

84. 為了行菩薩道,要發起菩提心。
“One needs to generate the Bodhichitta,
In order to walk on the path of Bodhisattva.”
"One must generate Bodhicitta
in order to walk on the path of a Bodhisattva."

85. 生者必有死,合會必離散,
"Just as death is a part of life,
a gathering will have to dissolve eventually."

86. 弘法是菩薩的任務,利生是聖者的目的。
“Benefiting all sentient beings is a lofty goal of noble beings
inasmuch as propagating the Dharma is the mission of a Bodhisattva.”

87. 深信因果,廣結善緣。
"Having faith in the belief of cause and effect will allow you to connect favorably with others."

88. 當一個人的心清淨時,他的周圍自然會清淨。
"When a person’s mind purified, his
surroundings naturally become pure."

"Wisdom is like a light that dispels the darkness of ignorance."

90. 盡心止惡,用功辦道。
“Stop doing negative deeds with all of one’s heart.
Cultivate the path of liberation diligently.”

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