"We cannot escape our own
"We cannot escape our own
internal adversaries and hence we
must cultivate and practice
diligently according to the Dharma."
107. 心中有佛,佛無所不在。
"The Buddha is pervasive for those
who embrace the Buddha in their heart."
108. 有所得的愛是執著。
"Conditional love is considered
"Conditional love is considered
one form of attachment."
"Besides the noble one, sentient beings are
"Besides the noble one, sentient beings are
incapable of comprehending others inner cultivation."
110. 修行要有恆心才會有成就。
"Having perseverance will enhance one's
"Having perseverance will enhance one's
chances of success during cultivation."
"Our enemies enable us to challenge
ourselves and test our patience."
112.智者建橋 ,愚者建牆。
"Wise ones establish connections
"Wise ones establish connections
whereas foolish ones sever them."
113. 菩薩不一定有笑容的,
"A Bodhisattva may not always have a smile
"A Bodhisattva may not always have a smile
just as compassion may not necessarily be delicate."
114. 修行是為了超越自己,而不是放大我執。
“Cultivation enables one to overcome the
“Cultivation enables one to overcome the
self as opposed to magnifying self-attachment.”
115. 我們成佛之前都是佛教徒。
"We are Buddhist until we are Buddha."
"We are Buddhist until we are Buddha."
116. 禪定,是開啟智慧的鑰匙。
“Meditation is the key to opening the treasure of wisdom.”
“Meditation is the key to opening the treasure of wisdom.”
117. 說起來簡單『願一切眾生快樂』。
作起來困難 『能令一個人快樂』。
作起來困難 『能令一個人快樂』。
"'May all sentient beings be joyful' is a simple phrase.
However, making a single person happy is not at all easy."
118. 世界美不美是自己造成的。
"You made the world whether it is beautiful or not."
"You made the world whether it is beautiful or not."
"The beauty in your world depends on you."
119. 真實微妙清淨之中。
"The real miracle resides in the purity."
"The real miracle resides in the purity."
120. 犯過的錯不再犯的人,是有自我覺醒的心。
"Having self awareness enables one to avoid making the same mistakes over and over again."
"Having self awareness enables one to avoid making the same mistakes over and over again."
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